I received numerous awards for talent in Mathematics.
I was honored to be fully supported by the Presidential Science Scholarship in Mathematics during my undergraduate degree.
For details, go to Honors and Awards.
I TAed 4+ Math/ECE lectures and I love to share my knowledge and insights with others.
10/2023 I received the NeurIPS 2023 Scholar Award for presenting in NeurIPS 2023.
09/2023 Our paper Sequential Preference Ranking for Efficient Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback is accepted to NeurIPS 2023.
08/2023 I gave a talk at the CMU Language Technologies Institute about 'Leveraging Human Knowledge to Robots through Interaction: from Vision to Language and Beyond'.
07/2023 I got accepted to the Global Korea Scholarship for my prospective 2024 Fall PhD program.
06/2022 We donated all royalties of <Wanna be Engineer> to the SNU College of Engineering. The donation will be used as a scholarship for high school students.
05/2022 Joined Sequor Robotics as a research manager for socially-aware navigation project.
01/2022 Our book <Wanna be Engineer> written by STEM members was selected as a best seller in Teen & Young Study Aids in Korea!
I wrote about the joyfulness of developing robots.
01/2020 Won Grand Prize (1st Prize) at Silicon Valley Innovation and Startup Program! We developed fall detection and alert for elderly users.
10/2019 Invited to the Blended Science Festival to demonstrate motion controlled robot cleaner.
09/2019 Won 1st Prize at International Capstone Design Fair with our robot cleaner!
08/2019 Won 2nd Prize at SNU College of Engineering Creative Design Fair! We developed a Scrupulous Robot Cleaner with Mecanum Wheels and pointed-shaped inlet.
11/2018 Won Gold Medal at University Students Contest of Mathematics in Korea.
I'm interested in robotics, human-robot interaction, computer vision, and reinforcement learning.
Much of my research is about applying mathematical concepts/theories to robot learning. Representative papers are highlighted.
We propose a novel framework that facilitates efficient personalization of robotic agents to diverse human preferences in complex environments.
Sequential Preference Ranking for Efficient Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback Minyoung Hwang,
Gunmin Lee, Hogun Kee, Chan Woo Kim,
Kyungjae Lee,
Songhwai Oh NeurIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems), 2023
project page
We propose a novel RLHF framework called SeqRank, that uses sequential preference ranking to enhance the feedback efficiency.
Meta-Explore: Exploratory Hierarchical Vision-and-Language Navigation Using Scene Object Spectrum Grounding Minyoung Hwang,
Jaeyeon Jeong, Minsoo Kim,
Yoonseon Oh,
Songhwai Oh CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition), 2023
project page
We propose and end-to-end learnable hierarchical navigation policy for vision-and-language navigation (VLN) that finds an unvisited and near-optimal local goal by recognizing semantically meaningful clues.
Improving Image-Goal Navigation with Visual Language Grounding via Image Captioning Minyoung Hwang,
Songhwai Oh CICS (Conference on Information and Control Systems), 2022
We propose a visual navigation method that the agent augments language observations and use the
multi-modal observations for hierarchical exploration.
Geometric Understanding of Reward Function in Multi-Agent Visual Exploration Minyoung Hwang,
Obin Kwon,
Songhwai Oh ICCAS (International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems), 2021
We present a new reward shaping method for multi-agent visual exploration with geometric understanding of the environment.
Video Inference for Human Motion with Texture Generation Minyoung Hwang,
Songhwai Oh Bachelor's Thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Seoul National University, Korea, Oct 2020
We propose a novel method to reconstruct 3D multi-view video with texture generation from a 2D human motion video.
We hosted RC car racing challenges in 2022 Spring & 2021 Fall ECE 430.457 'Introduction to Intelligent Systems'.
Startup Team UP-CARE (Use your Phone Camera for Health and Environment) Silicon Valley Innovation and Startup Program, Grand Prize (1st Prize), 2020
We present a startup item for fall detection for elderly using phone camera based on human pose estimation.
Scrupulous Robot Cleaner with Mecanum Wheels and Pointed-Shaped Inlet International Capstone Design Fair, 1st Prize, 2019 SNU College of Engineering Creative Design Fair, 2nd Prize, 2019
We present an omnidirectional robot cleaner with autonomous & hand-motion controlled modes. I leaded development of control algorithm considering robot dynamics.
The first self help book written by SNU engineering students, including the stories of studying in middle and high school years, the reason for choosing engineering majors, and the career path after graduation.
Honors and Awards
University Students Contest of Mathematics, Gold Medal, Korean Mathematical Society, Nov 2018
Training Lineup for IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad), Korean Mathematical Society, 2016 Spring
KMO (Korean Math Olympiad) Winter School, 2014, 2015
The Presidential Science Scholarship (Field: Mathematics), Ministry of Science and ICT, 2017-2020
Talent Award of Korea (Field: Mathematics), Ministry of Education of Korea, Nov 2015
Global Korea Scholarship, Ministry of Education of Korea, 2024-2026
I TAed the following courses in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the department of Mathematics.